
Harmony Wellness

the website of Katherine Long, RD

Who is Katherine?

Katherine Long is the founder of Harmony Wellness. Katherine is trained and skilled in several areas, including child nutrition, nutrition counseling, school health, food labeling, and nutrition education. She is able to provide health consulting services for individuals, businesses, and communities with ample experience in all areas.

Before founding Harmony Wellness, Katherine worked as a nutrition counselor for several hospitals in the Tampa Bay area. She has experience presenting wellness seminars for schools and government agencies across the region as well as number of churches and other community organizations. Her writing has been featured in multiple dietary publications and other media outlets.

When Katherine attended college at the University of Tampa, she needed a job, and that job would change not only the course of her studies but her entire life. She began working as a dorm counselor at a residential treatment center for young women with eating disorders. It was here that Katherine developed a passion for helping others get well and live a healthy lifestyle while cultivating a positive self-image. It only took a semester of working there for Katherine to realize that she needed to study nutrition.

Katherine’s passion has held steady since that time, and she has worked in a large variety of settings to spread a message of health, positivity, and self-empowerment. Katherine believes firmly that a healthy and happy life has to start from the inside. This means feeding your body nutritious food, taking good care of it, and understanding your own health and needs. No one diet or plan works for every person, so the best thing to do is create a plan that works for you. With careful planning, a little encouragement, and determination, you can do anything! Contact Katherine today and take the first step toward your healthy lifestyle.